By Gade
Dear all,
I still staying at Sam's house, and praying what I should do for this matter.This morning my beloved friend's feneral is held, and it shouldn't be longer than 3 days because she had died one day and half already before anyone found her body. Her name was "June" she was my very close friend when I was 12 yrs old until 18 yrs old, so we knew each other deeply 6 yrs. When I moved to Bangkok, she studied in Songkla. She was a good girl and good friend, so all of my closes friends in high school and I love her so much. It's sad to me because after we say good-bye on the phone before I came to Bangkok, I didn't get any chance to meet her yet. I wrote and called her sometimes, but I have no chance to know I won't meet her anymore. She wasn't Christian yet, so it bring me to think how she will be suffering of her spirit in the eternal life.
My other friends are still in a great grief, and I know how hard for her parents. I can't go from here to Phangnga for her feneral, but I'm flexible for anyone from there call me, and I give them encouargement. I'm praying from them, and hope to see God move in Phangnga with his mighty power. I'm so sad,too. Before I heard this news, I got Scriptures in Ecclesiastes 3 which said there is a time for everything. It encouraged me to keep seeking God no matter what's happening. God is so faithful, and I trust in him.
Thank you so much for every prayers for us. May God bless you.
Love & Blessings,
By Gade
I just want to say "Merry Christmas to everyone here!". I'm doing good, and I had a so wonderful time to celebrate my lovest Jesus Christ last night with BJD. I woke up this morning with flog behind my building. I love to see that, it's so beautiful. It's not cold at all in Bangkok.
I'm in Sam Sarvis' house today until the 29th of December to be with myself and rest while Sam with his family are taking vocation in Koa Chang. This isn't a complain, I just feel I met with too much people, and I'm so tired. I need sometimes to be with myself to think and be with God. Then I will update on me later!!!
May you have a good year to start, and may God is always with you....
Love and Blessings,
By Gade
Christmas greetings from Bangkok.......
It's a little bit cool down here, but I really like it. What am I doing at this moment? I'm working in the YWAM Thailand, National Office and preparing myself to be ready for my graduation next month.
It's close to the Christmas day. I love Christmas, for it's all about Jesus!!! So I spend my time praying and worshiping our Lord, Jesus Christ more than in the past.
Last weekend I commited to a sin which I dealt with it many time. I won't explain in deep detail, but only one thing I want to share I found how can I meet with God. When I woke up on Monday evening with some headache, I started to worship God with playing guitar and singing. I cried not only I felt sorry for what I had done, but I was touched by humble King. I strongly felt I should be humble before my King, and Jesus forgave me for that sin. Moreover, I spoke in Toungue, and I felt God led me to ask for forgiveness to others.
Myself found out the way to meet God with a humble heart. Yes, a humble heart before him and others. If we are in the same body of Christ, would you pray for me to be healing and to be set free from what I'm dealing with? I also pray for you....
By Gade
Well, Hi ..... to all visitors.
I'm here in Bangkok, and I had a good time to talk with Phil Porter, my boss No 2. He got back from U.S.A on Nancy events. We talked about my plans and stuff such as my family, my support money, and it seems like God made it so clear to me now. I love the office, I love my job now, but I have to move on my vision and make it to become real. And I love to learn from different places and experiences.
Well, I don't want to give much detail of that until it's going to happen..... My graduation day will be on Jan 12, at noon in my University. My family inculding some of my dad relatives will come for it. I don't know what's going to happen when they are there, but I do trust in the Lord that he will show me how to speak on the right time with a right word. No more fear for the future, and no more fear for human because God is always with me and besides me to help me go through each situation. I put my heart to be joyful of learning..... Then I will overcome my fear with love and trust.
Pai was very upset with me on Tuesday night. She didn't talk to me at all, nor did she came worship with us at all. I said very strong word to her and tried to make her obedience what I tell her many times. I hope that she didn't feel rejected by me!!! ... Well, I need wisdom to take care God's sheep. I'm waiting for her to come back, and I still keep praying for her. I don't want to make her feel like I'm the person who care for her more than God. I want her to relize God is only one to be with her all the time... Please keep praying for me. Thank you so much. God is so faithful to me... I still keep saying this to everybody.
Have a good time for this weekend!! .....
By Gade
Hey .......
I'm really busy at this moment, and tomorrow we're going to have a memorial of Nancy Ross at the Avana Hotel. . . . . . .I'm glad to be there soon.
One girl whom I try to principle with God's love names "Pai". She always acts like tom-boy girl, and she accepted Jesus Christ to be in her life while I was teaching dances in ChiangMai. ... Please pray for my strength and wisdom, for I have no idea to take care this girl any more, and I really upset with myself. Moreover, I used to tell everyone that we shouldn't give up because one day she will change to a better way.In God everything can be possible, I really want to feel and see in the same way with God, to be like Jesus when he was with his desciples. . . .. . . I'm longing to see a changing in her life. Although she wants someone who loves her for real and she wants everyone to accept who she is, she still act out in a wrong way. . . . It's sound like who I used to be when I first came to Bangkok in 4 yrs ago, right? That's a big reason why I want to help her to know God and walk in godly way. Something she does has reflected to me as I did it before, and I understand her very well.. . .. .Please pray for me at this point for now.
For His glory!!!!
By Gade
How are you all doing? Although I had lots of thing to do in last week til on Saturday, I was doing very good and not really tired. God revealed himself through the Strategic Planing workshop with Chip and Sandy last week that he will change our base to glorify his name. And he brought each one of us to be more intermate in this family. It was a good time for me, but I won't be here longer, so it was sad a little bit. . . . . . . . . Anyway, I wish to see our team in Bangkok being one body for Christ.
One thing I would like to share is what I told you last time. My birthday gift which I asked from God. I told him that I would like to share my life with 2 people, and I set a goal to make them become Christian. ... But ... I was in the office for many hours to be in workshop, and I don't know how can I shared my life with those people that I have asked for. What is impossible for us will be possible in God's sight, right? My closes friend from my high school called me on that day, and she didn't have my phone number, but she really wanted to talk to me and she got my number from my another friend. Then we talked a lot about my life and what I want to do in the near future. She got a job, but she doesn't like her job. She wants me to move down and stay with her so that she has one person to talk with. I feel like it's not God's will, but I would like to talk to her sometimes, so I told her all of my feeling to be Christian, my plans and how God is so wonderful in my life. Although she doesn't become Christian, I felt God gives me a hope to keep praying for her and share my life with her more. It was a very wonderful gift to me that I can get in touch with her, and she always trust me to share her life with me. I love her so much!! Now I love her more because God loves her. And God gave me one person to disciple her, so I got what I have asked for. Thank you Jesus.
I will update more cuz I will be in the office the whole week. May you have a good time with God.
By Gade
Hey .....
Just want to let you know where I am!! I'm in Bangkok for now. Last week I was in Pattaya to join in Tamar Praise. .... Pretty tired with many thing.
Wooooooo .... I would say thankx to the Lord cuz I'm getting a guitar on my Birthday, and it come from my dearest friend -- Sara!! I should keep it very nicely right???? ........ I think so...And fews more day in this week I will be 23 yrs old ... Ha - it was what I have been waiting for, since all of my friends already turned to 23rd. Well, I have another special prayer request for my dearest Heavenly Father, but I can't tell you now. When it heppens, I will share to all of you. Just keep praying for me and I'm so excited to see how it gonna happen. I do believe and have faith that God is so faithful, and what I wish it will be heppen for sure ........
I'm not feeling well for some reason, and I'm dealing with it. I don't know yet how it works, but God told me today to wait on him patiently. I believe in his words, so I try to wait on him patiently. Tuesday through Saturday of this week I will be in a seminar. I really need more wisdom and prayerful cuz I don't know what should I keep doing. I really want to know what God's desire for my life in next 4-5 yrs. Dealing with other people is such a big job to do, but I do learned a lot from it. But now ??? --- I'm so discourage with it. It takes time for me!!!!!!!
By Gade
... I can't put my feeling into words... It's hard.
When I was in ChiangRai, I felt yeah!! Lord this is what I want to do. I met with The Robinson, and I didn't relize that they were in English camp at my school when I was 13 yrs old. I knew them before, but I couldn't recognize them til I saw myself in their video of outreaching in Thailand. It was 10 yrs ago, and I'm one fruit that many people keep praying for me, and God chose me to be his daughter. Anyway, I'm ready to move on next step which means I will be in ChiangRai on March til August of 2005. And God will provide a place to stay, and where I shall serve him there during my study.
On Saturday morning, I got a call from Sam Sarvis. He told me about the leaving time to be with Jesus of Nancy Ross!!
Yes, who knows? I was praying in my heart that God won't let her go until I go back to the office(Bangkok). But Saturday was my last day in ChiangRai. I cried!!! I cried!!! Without any question, without any sad feeling, only one sentense kept saying in my heart was "Thank you God, Thank you Jesus". It was her time, and she had much peace in the end of her earth life. I agreed with God to let her be with him, although it was sad among us. I sang praise to God with all my heart. Now on I believe every time when I worship God, I will sense Nancy's vioce close to my ears... I have been earing like that many time. Moreover, I saw how beauty of God is through her life, her endurances, her love with God and all testimonies of her life in this world. Thanks to God for giving her to us when she was serving him in Thailand. I'm glad that I had her to be my supporter with everything that I wanted. Praise God for her life, praise God for his glory .... Forever Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By Gade
Only fews hour I'm in the office then I will catch a bus to ChiangRai. I bet I may lose of contact at this time, but it might be a good time for me to rest and pray for the vision. .... ... ... ... My weekend was good, I spent lots of time practicing some dances and preparing for the Tamar Praise, which will be held in Pattaya on 25th - 27 th of November. ... I studied guitar bass with Shine, too.
I don't know what God is going to show me in a next couple day, but I feel like I should be close to him, and be ready to give up my right and sacrifice my dearest thing to him. ..... It gonna be hard for me if I'm not ready for anything that he wants to move on in my life. ... The weak point of mine is I'm a worry person. I can't leave it to God and let him show me each step to deal with it...
:-( So I'm starting to learn and produce it as a good fruit in my life.
I strengthly feel God wants me to ask more of him, seek his will in all I do so that he will direct my path.. That what I feel in the begining of this week!! Anyway, I'm so sad that I won't be in the worship night with all students and staffs of House of One Heart, but I pray that all of them will have a good time and sense God's love through the Holy spirit for tonight. .... And I myself believe that I will have a good time in ChiangRai .....
whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy. For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything. If you need wisdom--if you want to know what God wants you to do--ask him, and he will gladly tell you. He will not resent your asking. Jame 1:2-5
By Gade
Hey ...... How are all of you doing? .... May God be with you and bless you richly ...
I'm on the very busy schedule in the next couple weeks, and I'm glad to have something to do and travel to somewhere cuz I love to travel, but now it's not the right time yet to take lots of journey -I'm still working in the office!!!
Today I just wondered why God spoke to me two time ~.~? By my bible study class and daily word in my email receiving, he said ::We know that [trials] are good for us--they help us learn to endure. Romans 5:3, NLT :: so??? I knew myself is dealing with how much I'm worry with everything, and I should say "trails" are good for me in order to make me endure and get a good fruit in my life, right? Last night I chatted with God many thing and I felt like nothing I can do and bear more except I must leave it at his feet. Even though myself wants to figure out the way to win, God is only person who can change me from the inside to outside. Well, I love this week so much.
I was touched by Jesus' charecter that he gives us more as much as he can. Usually, I give and I will say it's enough, but when I look through Jesus' story in the scriptures, it's so different. He gave us more without saying I give it enough I should have some of mine. Can you remember scriptures when people came to Jesus in the evening, and Jesus asked God to bless his food so that he can feed these people? Why don't Jesus let them go like his disciple said? I don't think Jesus only wanted to do miracle so that those people will believe where he came from, but he set a good example to us that needed people come to us we shouldn't say go and be blessed. And his charecter is never forsake us. Sometime when I didn't much conferdent how I can trust him, I will come back to think about this scripture. It's true and so true to our life. I have seen a lot in my leaders and other people around me that they are following this charecter of Jesus. Thanks to Jesus..
Well, have a good weekend to everyone. I have much of thing to do on weekend, but I guess I have enough time to rest.......... Taking a good care, God bless
By Gade
Great day!!!!
Well..... I'm doing so good today, after took a nap =) ..Requiring for graduation is going on very well,and I almost done with process, now I have to wait to get my important education paper that I will use on my gradutaion day....Last night I called my parents, and their mind haven't yet change. God spoke through Sam that I should be available for God when he calls to me to somewher else to serve him, in the same way, God will take care of my family... One thing what I only can do is focusing on him.......Anyway, I would like to thanks God for letting me learn from this situation so that I can bear his goodness to other.
I dicide to go to ChiangRai on Wednesday next to visit Bob and Jackie Robinson. I'm so excited!! ...Although I have to travel alone, again=( , I trust that God's peaces will be with me all the way to Chiang or back to Bangkok...
And now, may the God of peace, who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, equip you with all you need for doing his will. May he produce in you, through the power of Jesus Christ, all that is pleasing to him. Jesus is the great Shepherd of the sheep by an everlasting covenant, signed with his blood. To him be glory forever and ever. Amen. Hebrews 13
By Gade
I'm doing very good!!!! Cuz I spend most of my time whorshiping & praying. Sam, my boss or Director of YWAM Thailand, Tae, my close Thai friend who lives in the same house with me, and I just prayed for Thailand. God revealed us how much he cares for poor people, and we started our prayer with asking the Holy spirit to be with us and lead us to pray for Thailand. Then myself just relized how much poor people have to bear unjustice. I'm glad to be apart of asking for my nation in this time.... Today is the 9th day of praying we have more 31 days, please pray for all of us here in Thailand.
My journey to ChiangRai next week will happen or not it's up to God. I'm fine now, and I'm looking forward to meet with a wonderful couple whom I'm going to spend time with next year. Anyway, I will keep smilling and walking through all of my emotion with God. It should be fine.. I believe (^o-)
By Gade
Today I should post something that I really need someone to pray for me, but I don't know how to describe it.
I have planed to go to ChiangRai in the end of this year to visit Jackie, who is going to be my teacher of Jazz and Ballet dances, but it seems like my plan will change. May be I have to go next week ( Nov 17), and it goes so fast than I thought I will be ready for it. Last night when I spent time to share my feeling with God, I found out how much I fear for my loneliness and to see my future comes. I haven't share with my parents yet, for they won't accept my thinking they want me to get a job instead of serving God in YWAM Thailand. My emotional feeling is I really need my family support me by allowing me to do what God has planed for me.
Sara has encouraged me so much through her words to sense it's my vision, I should move on without fear. God also spoke to me last couple week while I was teaching dances in DTS ChiangMai to move forward with Christ passion. So pray for me to be ready and move forward to God' s purpose. I know "fear" doesn't come from God, and I got a song in my mind that I need to know that God loves me more and he will take my fear away with his love.
The good news is I can graduate in January for sure, and now it's going be last process to work through requiring diploma on this Thursday. My family will come up here on January 10-14, 2005 to congratulations with me, and it will be my time to share what I'm going to do in the future. I always tell God to help me speak the right word on the right time. Keep praying for me na kha. Anyway, I will have my family picture then, for I didn't have it until now. Praise the Lord!!
By Gade
She is my closes friend, the middle one. She
left me in Thailand, and herself is now in Boston, U.S.A. I miss her so much, so I should have her pics on my blog... ( I miss you so muchieee Sara!!)
By Gade
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Here is our recent picture, we were in Pan & Gan wedding in October 30, 2004. All girls dressed up so nicely, and we had much fun in the wedding. =)
By Gade

I love this picture so much cuz Dow and I had much fun to perform as worshiper in Asia Pecific Conference of June 2004 in Pattaya.
By Gade
My picture in last Christmas (2003)
By Gade
God is so faithful.
With begining of sharing myself, I would like to present my God that he is so faithful. I'm here to be with him and leran more about Christainiality which is very different from Buddism. Walk with faith without seeing anything can be possible, and I have been learning 4 yrs with his faithful. I love him so much.