It's a journey of Gade's life with Jesus, friends and family in of Christ.

Pix of gAde~

Pix of gAde~

The last week before next mini-outreach

By Gade
Hey,I've been busy so much after the first mini-outreach finished because I'm bad to organize and keep following my schedule.I love my life in the DTS which is about fellowship, building up each other with love and all the teaching through speakers & God's revealation. Last month we went out to HuaNamRin village, and our works were laying sement, digging dirt, pulling down the old Church and moving stuff around in the Church. It was a great experience to all of us in the team, but I did miss my dad as we used to work together for our new house, but at this time I had much joy because we worked in a team of Christ. Moreover, God gave us a specific thing to pray about, and we were amazed of God's faithfulness. I can say that we did a geart job for the village, and I love each one of my team because everyone laid down their own right to make team as a team.

I relized how much I've been allowing lairs live in my mind such a long time, since we learned about sin & repentance. My past, my rejection root with my mom effected me badly in the past 23 yrs, so when God confornted me about my attitude of my hearts and how I responded to my mom in the wrong way because of my painful emotionals, I came to the point of confess and ask for forgiveness from the Lord. The most powerful word I've not heard before is "I forgive you,my daughter", which came from God right after I confessed my sin and bitterness. God is great to me always.

I got more confirmation from the Lord about his purpose of my life, and I'm amazed of my Christianility life in the last 6 yrs. God has put me in the place to prepare the way of other people to come and reap. God is going to use my character to bring none-Christain to know about Christianility, so I'm really exciting to jump in the challenging way and make the way for the greater people to come. I love to be a pioneer, and there is a time for my life to be at some place for a while, but I believe that I will be in some places in long term as well. I'm happy with my life now to find new thing to do and enjoy my single life.

Only few day left that we will go out for a great outreach which we don't have any plan set up before hand, and we are going to lean on God totally!! I'm so exciting to jump on,and I must stand firm in God's word so that I will experience him differently. Hope to post up my journey of the next outreach soon!

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